This game is NOT COMPATIBLE with anything except Microsoft Windows! It does currently not work on Mac OS or GNU/Linux based operating systems or PS3/4 or XBox or XBox360.
A 64-bit operating system is recommended as can use a lot of RAM (1.5-2GB). Also, graphical performance scales hugely with resolution. A high end gaming rig might suffer at large resolutions like 2560x1600, which is nearly double the pixels of 1920x1200.
High End Requirements
- CPU: recent Quad-core processor (Intel) or recent Eight-core processor (AMD)
- GPU: GTX 670 or Radeon HD 7950 or better (>1GB Video RAM)
- Windows 7/8 (32bit or 64bit)
Moderate Requirements
- CPU: Dual-core processor (Intel) or Quad-core processor (AMD)
- GPU: GTX 560, Radeon HD 7790 or equivalent and above (>1GB Video RAM)
- Windows 7/8 (32bit or 64bit)
Minimum Requirements
- CPU: Dual-core processor
- RAM: 4GB
- GPU: Something better than integrated graphics (at least 512MB Video RAM)
- Windows 7/8 (32bit or 64bit)
Might run but not supported
- CPU: Single Core
- RAM: Less than 4GB
- GPU: integrated graphics cards: old intel laptop onboard cards, etc
- Windows: below Vista (Works on Windows XP - may not be fully supported)
Quality Settings
Note: Currently setting shaders to lowest crashes the game. We are working on fixing this. For now, just set it to low.
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